Thursday, June 21, 2018

First day of summer

It has felt like summer for many days already. So being the first day, yep, it's going to get quite hot too. One of these days we are going to put a fry pan on the road out front and see how long it takes to heat up enough to fry an egg. That should be interesting. I'm hoping to do a short video and post it here. Yesterday's temp got to 105º, today 107º and tomorrow 110º. Yep, it's summer in Yuma, AZ.

Yesterday after Mark washed Shelby, our Smart Car, we went for a nice ride. We found a lake, yes a lake in the desert. There were people that had parked their campers and settled next to it. There were also some gorgeous homes built there as well, but further away from the slum looking area. A little store and bar and grill also graced the area.

To get to the lake we saw many marine targets along the way. The area to the lake is a proving ground. The road was like a roller coaster and my tummy didn't enjoy some of the dips and hills. hehehe But it was fun sinceI knew it wasn't high or a man made contraption that would fall or break. As we were leaving the area Mark spotted some wild donkeys. One of them looked to be pregnant, or a big eater.  We assumed they hung in that area because of the lake for water and scarps of food from the people there. There was also ample shade for the donkeys.

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