Wednesday, July 18, 2018

One of those weeks.

Monday was our last Alpha session and it was so great. After the video we sat and chatted with everyone. Well mostly with Pastor Scott and Christopher at first. Many hugs all around and believe it or not I didn't cry. Everyone was ready for me  though. hehehe We will miss seeing those wonderful people every week.

This morning Lola goes in to the vet for a tooth extraction. It can no longer be put off, poor baby has such an infected tooth that the under part of her eye swells. No treats for her last night or this morning and water was limited. She can not understand what is up with that.

Yesterday we had to get Mark a computer, after 10 years his died. He decided on an HP Chromebook and so far is very happy with it. So with all that and the tests on my heart, it has been a very expensive month that will take some time to recoop the costs. When it rains it pours. But God will provide.

Monsoon season here in Yuma. Last night we got a thunderstorm  and another one right now. It's been a long time since Lola has heard thunder and it's really upsetting her. With the monsoon comes strong winds and it can really rattle the hinges. Humidity also comes with these rains, but not as humid as in MN. And it doesn't last nearly as long either. After the 18 year drought this rain is a true blessing.

For a couple days last week I went to the pool with Mark. Not my favorite thing in the world, but he is making the time in the water fun for me. There aren't many people here in the summer so the time in the pool is spent all alone. Alone in the pool is not a good thing, hence my going along. Mark is an excellent swimmer, but anything can happen. I'm can't swim but I can scream really loud and make a phone call if need be. hehehe Sadly there is very poor cell service here.

Speaking of cell service I may start looking into a land line. We need a reliable phone in case of emergencies and our cell service is NOT reliable to say the least. We should also look into a different cell provider. Here in the foothills T-Mobile is very poor at best. It's affordable, but not when it doesn't work half the time.

Raining cats and dogs right now along with the thunder. And I'm loving the sound. I love the sound of thunder and rain. Gods power displayed. :)

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