Friday, July 6, 2018

Hot hot hot

The temp around here has been around 10º over the average with today being the hottest day so far.... Right now at 12:30 it is 116º on our porch. The high today is predicted to reach as high as 120º today. Thankfully the sun is under more than it is shinning and the wind is really blowing. PTL for those gifts of grace.

This morning while it was still a tad under 100, I ran to the $ Tree for some more craft items. I have an order to complete and I was out of that specific ribbon. Of course as any crafter can tell you, you don't do near craft items and only come out with the one or two items you went in for. LOL But I'm sure I'll sell the wreaths before too long. They have been popular so far.

After I got home I just had to try my hand at a couple wreaths while Mark was at the pool. Plus the one that I have to mail out soon. I've an idea for another one later today. Too hot to go anywhere so why not craft the day away. :)

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