Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Yesterday I finally went to the doctor about my heart. For a month now my heart has not been responding to my medication. Many times during the day and night it pounds so hard it feels like it’s coming through my chest. While there I had an EKG and have appointments for an ultra sound and blood work. No news on the EKG so it may not have showed anything too bad. I’m not one to go to the doctor unless I am concerned, very concerned about an issue. And when it comes to the heart, that is cause for concern in anyone.

Last night at Alpha I went to the other room and asked for prayers.  You see some of the leaders go to another room and pray for all of us, and we are invited to go and ask for prayers. Last night I felt I needed more prayers and help praying for healing.  All placed their hands on me and Kelly placed her hand on my malfunctioning heart. They prayed and asked  the holy spirit to come and heal my heart. The sensation I felt was so profound. After much time they removed their hands and quieted. I could still feel a prayer. Off to the side and behind me  “someone” was still silently praying. Pastor Scott asked how I was feeling. I explained a sensation going up through my legs and my feeling of relaxed exhaustion.  Then that “someone” asked about my heart, how was it feeling now?. At that time I put my fingers to my neck to check my heart beat, which is what I do when it’s racing. My heart beat was more normal than it has been in months. I felt a strong sense of calming and relief once again.

After we got home through a wicked sand and thunder storm, I noticed that my heart still had not acted up. Every evening and during the day my heart has pounded through my chest for a month. Scaring me. Which is why I went to the doctor yesterday. But all night last night and this morning, my heart rhythm was very normal and not pounding as hard as it had been. Praise the Lord.

 PTL for another blessing of healing. It's so nice not having my heart pounding so terribly hard. What a Good Good Father we have. It’s who He is. And I am loved by Him. We all are loved by Him. All Glory be to God.

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