Sunday, July 15, 2018

There are times we learn slowly

Well I wondered how long it would take. Sadly Mark found out the hard way that diabetes is nothing to sneeze at, and that "my rules" as he called them aren't my rules but the ways he has to eat to stay healthy.  Instead of having a thin crust pizza at our more favorite pizza place, we ate lunch at the Golden Corral. To make a long story short Mark ate many wrong foods and was sick the whole rest of the day and night. But he learned that what I say isn't me being mean but the truth of the decease and he needs to follow the diet. After this tough lesson I don't think he will  argue with me on this matter for some time to come, maybe never. Something like the way he felt/feels won't leave his mind quickly. 

No church this morning, Mark is still feeling poorly and he knows he has to eat breakfast, ready or not. I'm staying home to keep an eye on him. No plans for today, except I would like to make some muffins for my coffee in the morning. Moderation, just one muffin with my coffee. 

Cloudy and very warm this morning with very little breeze. We are so ready for winter in AZ again. There are things we would like to get done outside but too hot to do anything other than swim and then only in the morning. Winters in AZ are wonderful. No wonder half of Canada comes down here for the winter.

Well I think I figured out what my be causing my heart to beat so rapidly. I started taking Soy and Black Cohosh for night sweats and hot flashes. But I was an idiot and didn’t follow my own rules about everything, and that is to research first. I found out that black Cohosh doesn’t play nice with heart medications or blood pressure meds. So my heart pills are being null and void by the Cohosh. I tossed them right away. Last night I felt much better, not perfect yet, but better. It will take a day or two for it to leave my system completely.. Last time I took them was years ago, before I was on any heart medication. Always research before making ANY decision about anything. Good rule to follow and not just for health reasons.

The other day when we were at WM I saw a kitchen valance that went perfect with the coffee theme of my little kitchen. I wish there was some red in it since that is the color of my gadgets and such. But I love them and so happy I found them.

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