Tuesday, July 24, 2018


It seems like it was just last week that I asked myself, "Where did the month of May go?" And here it is the last week in July. Living in Yuma, we wish the summer away and relish the winter. In MN we wished the summer and the winter away.

It is just after 7 and 90º. They are saying we could break the record for today. Record is 117º !!!! Well we have lived through that before so we can do it again, I just didn’t have to do laundry then. It won’t be any cooler for the next few days either. I do come home after I put the laundry in the dryers and hang the sheets on the line. That helps a lot.

Besides laundry there is nothing planned although we will need milk by tomorrow so we may to go WM after dark tonight. 

Lola recovered well from her major oral surgery. She is back to her old self and most all of her treats and dry dog food. By tomorrow she should be able to chew on her treats we use for her to clean her teeth. It doesn't seem that they did much good though. But she likes them. Tomorrow is her birthday. We have doggie ice cream for her as her treat for the day. No cake since we all are watching what we eat. :)

I better get moving, it's not getting any cooler out there.

Oh, just a couple hot day projects I completed yesterday.

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