Monday, July 30, 2018


It's not that we enjoy moving, but the Village Coop in Hutch, didn't work out well for us and our health slowed us down on the traveling and  our adorable little park model is just too small to stay in permanently. We are looking into adding on to our existing home or buying a larger park model.  All depends on which is most affordable. We want to stay in 55+ resort too. In fact we don't want to move from our currant resort, we like it here. The only upkeep we have here is our home but still have the use of a pool, library, pool hall, gym and all the other amenities and we don't have to maintain any of them. Neighbors are only around for about 5 to 6 months too. All at a nice  affordable price. Who could ask for anything more??

Each morning we go to the pool for exercise. Yes, I said we. I'm enjoying the pool more and more, mostly because it is helping me lose some much needed weight. Mark is losing weight and toning up nicely and is as dark as an Indian. Is that politically correct? I really don't care. hehehe The hard part is getting breakfast in before we go. But with diabetes one can not skip a meal. Numbers have been good so a piece of peanut butter toast is substantial and off we go.

We are enjoying our new church more and more every Sunday. And we are looking forward to being a part of Alpha again in August. We are also looking into some other groups that will start up this fall. God brought us here for a reason.

Mark is holding his breath for a job at Walmart that could start on Thursday. He is just waiting for the last of a background check to go through. The job is in the produce and meat department. It would give him something to do and some cash back into our savings account. He has been really bored this summer. It's just too hot to do anything outside and there is only so much to do on the inside.

Campers and such don't sell in the summer months around here so we still have the Montana. And as long as we have the RV we still have our Ford Dually.  This fall we may be moving the Montana to another place to get it sold. We were in a hurry to get it moved out of the park last February so we put it where we could get it in quickly. And it's not the best place for exposure to attract potential buyers.

As always, it's an adventure.


  1. thats really kinda lame dad will be going to work at walmart , but i hope if he dosnt enjoy it he bails , he dosnt need work stress anymore, i am also surpised to hear your place is actually too small, didnt think id hear ya say that as you kept seeming to want a smaller place for maintenece and cost sake, hope you find a way to be comfy again tho big hug

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