Monday, August 6, 2018

A new month

The summer is finally working it's way to the end. For the first time in our lives we are anxious for winter. The summers here are indeed hot, but we have endured. Going to the pool daily is a big help in more ways than one. It cools us down, gives us good exercise and gives us something to do on the hot days. It's nice having the pool at our disposal anytime we want. And it doesn't cost us to use it either. Just one of the many perks to living in an rv resort. :)

Today Mark started his new job, or at least the training for his new job, at Walmart. Lola was not at all happy to have him leave without her this morning. So she is spending her morning pouting. I can always find things to do around here. There is no shortage of dust and dirt living in the desert. hehehe

Why is Mark going back to work? Part of it is, he is bored. Not much to do when it's too hot to do anything outside. And there is not much of anything else for him to do inside either. Plus we have plans on going back to MN this spring for our sons wedding and rent a truck to bring our things here from storage.  Being about 2000 miles from MN, it won't be a cheap trip to say the least. So the extra money will really come in handy. I just pray that he will like the job and that it won't be a stressful job. If it is, then he will leave that position. Mark is a person that likes to be around people, so I hope this job will fill the bill for him.

In about two weeks or so the fields in Yuma will be planted with broccoli, cauliflower and a little later lettuce will be planted. It will be nice seeing all the green fields again. Not all fields are baron right now, there is cotton for seed and greens for cattle feed. Watermelon and cantaloupe are being harvested daily right now too. And boy is it good coming right from the field. The cantaloupe doesn't need to sit on the counter  for days to ripen either. I buy it and cut it up in the same day. Mmmmmmm. We have only had maybe two watermelon that weren't very ripe, still eatable but not the best. And we have purchased many many watermelon. Watermelon is my summer addiction to put it mildly. I think I got Mark hooked on it too.

1 comment:

  1. you have always liked watermellon that much, and the more ive thought about it im sure it will be good for dad to have something to do, as long as he dosnt mind what hes doing :-)
