Thursday, August 30, 2018

last days of August

Summer is still trying hard to hang on here. Some mornings are a cooler mid 70's to low 80's but the days are still in the lower 100's. At night, when we talk Lola for her evening stroll, the temp is often times in the lower 90's and it almost feels cool. I know that sounds quite bizarre, but when the temps that time of night have been in the low to mid 100's, 90 does feel cool. Never thought I would ever say that 90ยบ was cool. LOL ๐Ÿ˜› As most of you know, summer is NOT my favorite season, but then neither is winter.

Mark is not real thrilled with the work he has to do at Walmart. Most everyone that works with him is quite a bit younger than he is and they all are expected to be able to do the same thing. Well, that is not floating well. He works 4 days a week. The week starts on Saturday, and his 4 days are often right in a row. That is not a good thing either.  Not sure how long he will want to continue his employment there. But he does like being with the people and he seems to enjoy showing me what and where things are when we go into the produce and meat area in Walmart. He speaks of it with pride. Any job he ever does he does his best and has reason to be proud.

I've run out of storage room for my craft projects but with the craft fair just a couple months away, I need to get back at my projects. Just not sure where to put them when I'm done with them though. Maybe I should never have started this to begin with. There are some fall decorations that I want to make yet, but after that and my craft supplies have been depleted, I'll just call it done. Keep what I want and add what I want to sell to someone else's table. That would work too.

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