Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Rained hard today.

This morning we enjoyed a nice cool dip in the pool. The morning is when the water is refreshingly cool. Today another couple showed up so we had a nice visit with them. It sure made time go fast and we spent more time in the water and sun than we had planned. But we enjoyed it all.

About 20 minutes after we got home from the pool it started to rain. The gentle rain turned in to a very heavy rain that caused some areas of flooding. Here in the park it was just rain, no flooding. But boy it sure did come down. There was a little thunder with the rain which I really enjoyed. I love a thundershower. It had been some time since Lola had heard thunder so she let out a couple woofs to let her thought about it be heard. hehe With the rain the temp went down some but the humidity went up. There was a nice breeze so the mugginess didn't last all that long.

Mark headed to work today only to come home a hour later. Somehow he was not on the schedule that was at work, but the one he had here at home said that he worked tonight. Well, he didn't stick around and argue. hehe.  Another day off, suited him just fine. And mamma's supper is better than a brown bag supper. :)

Just another day in the hot Sonoran desert.


  1. Do you guys ever have any issues with "critters" spider/scorpions/other? We just got a new dishwasher and bed, and figured out what was wrong with the AC. I got to play family shuttle with a cart this weekend, great way to introduce myself to everyone. Patrick starts school next week and my new company is great, i got some OT today. I love you guy and i miss you *big hug*

  2. Each year we have an exterminator come and spray under and around the park model and shed. Without that being done, we would be infested with critters and you would hear me scream and see me knocking at your front door. :) HUGS to you too. Love you to the moon and back. <3
