Friday, August 24, 2018


No the temps aren't really cooler but the water in the pool sure is cooler. The days are shorter so the sun is not blazing down nearly as long as it had been. By 7:50 it's pretty much dark outside. Less sun time heating the pool, and no heater turned on in the pool in the summer months, makes the water quite cool in the morning. My arthritis isn't liking the cooler water one little bit. But it's the only form of exercise I get right now. So I have to grit my teeth and keep plugging away. I'm anxious for it to cool down enough to walk outside comfortably. Lola will love getting longer walks in too. I'd much rather walk too.

Marks job at Walmart is getting better. I know he enjoys being with people other than me day in and day out. He is a people person. Since last Saturday he toned down what he does at work too. There are other people to do the work, it's not all for him to do. Lola is still not happy to have "daddy" away from home that long each day.  It's taking me some getting used to as well.

As much as our family and friends aren't looking forward to winter we are looking forward to winter. We hope to get out and about more to do some sight seeing. Too hot to do so yet. It's fun to drive around with no real destination and see what we can find. There are places of interest that we would like to check out as well. Right now, it's mostly mondane daily things that we do. Kind of like ya'll up north in the winter. We think of winter as summer and summer as well, you can imagine what we think of that. hehehe But all in all we love it here in Yuma. As in most any place you live, there are pluses and minuses.

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