Saturday, January 27, 2018

January 26, 2018

During the night, which was rather chilly, the propane tank emptied. Mark said it went out around 4 am, but he just rolled over and went back to sleep. LOL By the time we got up it was only 60º inside. He then flipped the switch on the tanks and the full one started our furnace back up. In no time the new furnace heated up the place nicely.That being said, getting the empty tank filled was added to our to do list.

After a  nice egg bake for brunch we headed out to do our errands. First stop was to fill the propane tank. This year the price didn't go up in January, but I'm sure that will change as I see that gasoline prices are rising. I'll bet there is a lame reason for that to happen. Just another lie from the rich and worthless. After the tank was filled we took the tank back home and headed to WM.

The Walmart in the Yuma foothills, where we live, is always always so busy. It seems not many want to drive into the city to shop. If we don't need much we go to the WM here in the foothills too. If we  we need more of a selection to choose from we go into the city to shop at that WM, which is much bigger. Anyway, we filled the cart and then the truck and headed home.

Just as we got out of the truck at home, a car parked right behind us and kept asking us if we were from Minnesota. It took us a minute to realize they were talking to us and that we knew the couple.

We met the couple when they were out on their daily walk one day and stopped by our campsite, in Hutch. That was the year we were going to be heading out on our adventure. They also stopped to see us last year when we came back to Hutch to visit. Deb said she likes to follow our travels on our blog. What a wonderful surprise. It was so great to see Bruce and Deb, and that they made the extra effort to stop and see us in Yuma. They have both now retired and live in Surprise, AZ. They are in the process of looking at RV's to do some traveling in the US as well. Happy trails to you, Bruce and Deb.

After they headed back to their home, I went inside to tackle putting away all the groceries. It looked like WM had thrown up in the kitchen. hehehe It eventually got put away and then it was time to start supper.

Another great day in Yuma, Arizona
And as always, it's an adventure.


  1. Love the blog. :) Now, it's greetings from Surprise!

  2. We will get to Surprise at some point in time, to see you.
