Friday, November 29, 2019

Black Friday

I don't care for crowds let alone crowds of people going nuts over ridiculous sales. So black friday is just another Friday. Well in our home it's the day we start decorating for Christmas. Thanksgiving evening it's a tradition to put up our Christmas tree so that is done. Once all the decorations were on the ugly tree, it didn't look so bad. I just really like short needle trees much better.

Our Thanksgiving dinner turned out great in spite of only have a very very small amount of counter space. There were a few times, ok more than a few times, when I had a few choice words to say. I learned that next year we will bring in a small table to help with the lack of counter space. In fact it will be a permanent fixture during Christmas cookie baking time.

Most of day late afternoon and all evening on Thanksgiving, we had heavy rain and strong winds. The air was so cold and damp that I'm sure it ruined some of the outside plans for the snowbirds. It just kept us inside relaxing from a big meal. If we were in the rv like we were a for a few holidays, it wouldn't have been much fun, but the food would have still been good.

The rain has stopped and the sun is shining but it's still chilly outside. I've got the laundry in the dryers today, with the exception of a couple pairs of jeans of mine and a shirt. Once all the laundry is done and put away, I'll start on some Christmas decorating. I hope to NOT over do it today. There is no rush so why hurry through it all. It's no fun hurting.

There are plenty of leftovers from yesterday in the fridge but I'm thinking homemade pizza for supper. Sunday sounds like a good day for leftovers, and then the rest can go in the freezer for another time.

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