Sunday, November 17, 2019

Busy week ahead

This week I go in for an ultrasound on my glad that keeps swelling and for a mammo. For the last three plus years I've had a swelling in one of my glands every time I eat something. Sometimes it's very painful and sometimes it's just a nuisance swelling, but it's not the way it should be. I've finally got a doctor here that wants to do something about it. This will also be the first mammo since moving from Minnesota. So I'm nervous and a bit on the scared side as well.

This is also Marks last week at Walmart. He has been through hell since he moved to the  sporting section of the store. It was not just sporting goods as he was originally told. He was to work in several departments alone with little to no help. Next month Mark will turn 68 years old and it has been too much for a man his age. As hard as that is for a man to admit, he needs to leave.

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