Thursday, November 21, 2019


It was a good trip to the clinic in Yuma proper, in spite of using the GPS. Marks internal GPS works so much better. We got there a bit early and I checked in right away.  Not even 10 minutes went by and I was called to go over my information. Hardly sitting down and into the room for the ultrasound I went. There was a mix up as to which gland was to be imaged for  short call to the doctor and all was solved. The tech and the receptionists were oh so nice and professional. All total I was in and out of the clinic in 40 minutes.

This morning while doing laundry the doctors office called to set up an appointment for the first week in December to go over the ultrasound results. I'm praying hard that it will be nothing serious and an relatively easy fix. Tomorrow is my first mammo here in Yuma and with any test I'm always nervous about the results.

As of last Friday, Mark is officially re retired.  So now my full time job begins. LOL He doesn't know all the things on the honey do list yet. I know he will enjoy being retired again.

I've made two really nice friends that I met on a group of Canary lovers. Sadly one lives in Texas and one in Mexico so our get togethers are by phone or computer. But it's so nice to have someone to share your interests with. None of my friends from back home correspond at all anymore. But then neither does my family, except for Lincoln, Barb and David and my dear cousin Patty.  Mom told me this would happen when she died, and she was right. But it started much sooner than that.

The weather has now turned from the mid to upper 80's to the low 70's during the day. The nights in the desert get colder in the winter, with the lows ranging from the mid 40's to upper 30's. Last year was the coldest wettest winter many could remember. And this one is supposed to be the same. Time will tell. Maybe the weather will chase the snowbirds back home early. That would be so great. I swear some of them leave their brains and manners in their home state or country. They are not good representatives of their home area.

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