Sunday, November 10, 2019

Coming to an end.

After  a very stressful job placement with piss poor department management, Mark will be turning in his letter of resignation on Monday.  He had me proofread and edit before he prints it out. And true to Mark form, it is a long letter.  Much of which is defending himself to the unfair treatment which he received in the area he is working. Knowing the management at Walmart it will all land on deaf ears but at least the bad treatment is in writing. I'm sure Mark will enjoy having the time away from  working. The extra money is nice but his health and well being is much more important.

Today could be his last day at Walmart. He has off the next three days. And some places want you gone after you have turned in your notice. I do hope this is the case. Mark is so drained from all the turmoil and stress, that he needs to walk away now, not two weeks from now. WM, is as usual, very short handed and with all the snowbirds flocking in, the store is more chaotic than usual. I just want him out of that situation and to hell with a two week notice. They don't deserve one. But why burn bridges you may have to cross again. Ugh!

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