Thursday, December 5, 2019


Today I went to see my doctor for my test results from the Ultra Sound of my glands. There are three spots, two look to be fatty tissue and one is undetermined. A CTscan will be my next route. The hospital will call with that appointment. Then to an ENT doctor to go over those results. I'm praying hard that it is NOT cancer. With my white blood cell count being high, I'm scared. But I'm trying to think positive that it's an easy fix and NOT cancer. I'm not a very positive person so I'll be doing a LOT of praying.

Mark started working on the back steps. The tile is all loose. So he is taking all the tile off and putting down something from Kilz that should last as long as we are here. And we had another surprise today too....... A few weeks ago we noticed a water stain on the ceiling in the AZ room. Thinking that it was a leak that Mark will need to check out and figure out how to fix. Today I noticed another spot close to the first one. Once Mark pulled off the ceiling tile and lifted the styrofoam insulation water was dripping fast. Taking off some of the styrofoam he saw that the metal roof was all wet from condensation. Wiping up the mess and turning a fan on to dry the moisture took the rest of the day. Our nearest conclusion was that we heated this room and it had never been heated with anything but a small electric fireplace thing. And we were using a Big Daddy propane heater that we had. Well that is too much heat for in here with the type of "roof" that is on this addition. No more Big Daddy heat in here anymore. We do have a little fireplace thing that we can use if we really feel a need. But a robe and slippers should do just fine. hehehe We just aren't used to being cold anymore. Lots to learn in Yuma weather.

I need some good stiff drinks tonight!!!!!

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