Monday, December 23, 2019


I wondered how long the noisy old fridge that was here would last. The defrost cycle was lasting too long. So long that the ice cubes were so melted that they tasted funny and were not useable. Each week it makes another strange noise too. Yesterday we were in Home Depot and found a fridge that will fit in our dedicated spot. And to top it off it's an 18.3 cu ft. The one that was here is only 14 cu. ft fridge. We had so much trouble with the small size and the dilapidated state of the shelves on the door and lack of a shelf on the inside. The new fridge will be delivered on Friday and bye bye to the old one. It will be nice to have room for fruits AND veggies, not to mention room for more than one gallon of milk. Thank you mommy. 😘

Hopefully by next winter I will have enough money saved to replace the stove. It's hard to work with just one large burner and three small ones. I've never seen a range like this before. And I don't think there is much if any insulation in it because the whole unit gets so very hot to the touch when the oven is on. I know a unit can get warm but not to the point of you don't dare touch it at all when the oven is in use. One other reason I won't use the oven in the summer.

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