Friday, December 27, 2019


There was snow and freezing rain in San Diego and Imperial Valley that closed down I8 Thursday. Which means that our new fridge, which comes from San Diego, won't be here until Monday. Home Depot called to tell me it would be delivered Monday instead of Friday. Then I read the news and found out why. There will be a lot of orders that won't come in as scheduled and some people won't be very happy. Later in the day the Highway Patrol escorted some traffic through but it was a very slow go. Watching the news last night there were a lot of smart people that just waited the storm out in a motel.

No snow here, just rain and more rain. I'm sure the "birds" aren't very happy with the weather again this year. It's so damp that the mid 50's feels much colder than that. Yesterday we had to fill a propane tank so Mark could keep filling the little jugs for the propane heater. I go through about 4 a day. That keeps the furnace from running, which costs more than the propane. And I can keep it nice and toasty in here.

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