Monday, December 9, 2019

CT Scan

Today I was called in for the CT  Scan of glands just under my ears. So we hustled to get showered and out the door by noon. Ok I was already dressed hours before but Mark had to take care of his business. He seldom is dressed before brunch. LOL After all he is retired again. 😎

We got to the hospital in plenty of time and as usual were met with very friendly staff.  Everyone was so nice and really puts you at ease.  The CT technician was a younger gentleman and very nice. He was kind enough to put a pillow under my knees since laying on my back is painful. I never even felt him put in the IV for the dye. Amazing, hehehe.

After the test, my legs were like rubber so we slowly walked to the car. It was well after 2 and we were both very hungry. We ate at AppleBees and used my birthday coupon and got my meal for free. I like free. 😀 They had one dollar pomegranate  margaritas so we each had two of those with our meal. Very good food as always and the service is fabulous as well at the foothills AppleBee's.

After lunch we had to have nitro put in the low tires of the car and then off shopping. Mark picked an angel off of the Christmas tree at church and got a 5 year old boy who wanted Spiderman pajamas for Christmas. The gift will be sent as a gift from his dad who is incarcerated over Christmas.The kids shouldn't have to pay for the parents bad choices. So we feel great that we could help out a child.

Now the waiting game for my test results of the CT. I have a lot of people praying for me, as well as Mark and I, for cancer free results. I see the ENT doctor on the 20th. I imagine if there is a problem he will want to see me sooner. But prayers are strong so I hope to not see him any sooner and the test results will be good. There has to be a reason for the swelling the last three years. I know stress is causing some of the problem but there also must be an underlying issue as well.

Obviously no baking got done today. Hopefully I can get the spritz done tomorrow and frost some cookies tonight. It is a very busy week so I'll keep my mind busy for at least this week. I see

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