Monday, October 28, 2019

Say what?

Two Sundays ago Mark was asked if he would join the worship team and sing bass and this Sunday was asked to be an usher for the collection. As our friend Steve said, God works in mysterious ways. Mark loves singing in church and I can hear it well standing right next to him. It warms my heart to hear him sing praises with his heart in the song. But Mark isn't one to stand in front of the church like that, so he said thanks but no thanks. He did however usher this Sunday when asked.

Well the park is filling up slowly but surely. By next weekend there will be three times as many here. And lucky us, we have a neighbor that is a bitch. She asked if that was a camera on our shed and said we had to take it down because it was looking into their backyard. How the hell would she know that? And no it's not looking in their yard. But Mark knuckled under and took it down. It will go back up, just in a different spot that the bitch can't see. She drew first blood and you don't piss  off me!  She will not be happy with me as a neighbor. I'm not as easy going as Mark. For me it's I don't get even, I get ahead. Dumb bitch doesn't know who she will deal with now. I've had too many people in my life walk all over me and I don't allow that anymore.

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