Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Since it is a male Canary that I really wanted I've decided to take Carla back to PetSmart.  They will be getting new Canaries in today and ready to sell on Sunday. No idea if what they get is male or female, but I will wait if I have to to get a male.

Yesterday I called every pet store in Phoenix and none carried Canaries. That is when I called the PetSmart here in Yuma where we got our Canary. They will take my female back if I return her before the 14 days are up. So before Saturday we will take her back. Then on Sunday we will go and see if they got a male Canary for sale. I hope I can get a close enough look to tell the difference of male and female. The visual signs are difficult to say the least. If they have no males at that time I'll just have an empty cage until I find a male. I won't give up looking for a male.

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