Monday, October 14, 2019

Hello Carl

Sunday morning we were at PetSmart minutes before they opened. The staff were still putting the pets into their perspective cages. But we had to wait longer for the new Canaries. Since we brought Carla back there were now three birds there. The cage is only equipped for two so the associate had to call the manager and see which ones to put out for sale. After a half hour wait we were able to see the two new Canaries.

It took me at least half an hour to get a good look at the eye placement of the two birds so I could make an educated guess on which one is male. The birds don't just sit still on demand so you can stare at them. Staring at them just makes them more nervous. The two Canaries were of different colors. One was yellow and one was a cream and orange color. The yellow one was the larger of the two and much larger than Carla. But after much eye strain we found that the yellow one was much more likely to be a male.  So yep, we chose the yellow Canary.

Once home "Carl" wasn't too sure about leaving the travel box he was in. But with some coaxing he entered the cage. He was very vocal right from the start and he sounded a lot different than Carla too. At one time he gave us a sample of his singing voice. That was also the last time I heard it.

Carl was so active it was making me tired. Today he is still flying all around his cage like crazy. I just hope he doesn't break a wing. Not sure why he is acting like this. But I'm sure it's still the process of getting used to the new digs. At least I hope that is all that it is and not some problem. It does take some time for some birds to get used to their new environment. Carla adjusted much quieter. hehehe

The associates at PetSmart were so very kind, helpful and patient. Amazing people work there. They made the whole experience easy and not rushed. Just like when we returned Carla. The young lady that was at the check out said that if this bird is still not what I want, I have 14 days to return the Canary. That was nice to know. I hope we are done bird shopping though.

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