Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nice Ride

Tuesday I finally got to go for a nice ride on my bike. Mark said we would go slowly so I could get used to my bike again. I was nervous at first but it still felt good to be riding. Back in Hutch I knew what the roads were like and knew where we were going. But here it's all new, the road conditions and where they lead etc.

We stopped at a little cafe called Geronimo's in Welton for lunch. They offered mostly mexican fare but they had burgers on the menu too. So we ordered burgers and fries. Mark ordered a double and about fell off of his chair when our food came. The burgers were huge and then making his a double the burger it was ginormous.

Before our food came two ladies sat down behind me. The smell of stale cigarette about made me hurl. So I asked Mark to change places with me. No way could I eat with that horrible smell. It's bad enough I smell it on Mark so often. Being Mark smokes he has no sense of smell anymore and would never smell another smoker or anything else for that matter he changed seats with me. I have always had an acute sense of smell, much to my annoyance. So here is Mark, with his  gun on his hip, and sitting by my bright pink riding jacket and helmet with pink butterflies on it. It was quite comical when we realized what he was sitting next to and me by the black jacket and black helmet. LOL But in all fairness he once did take off to work with my black with pink butterfly helmet on his head. LOL He did realize his mistake and came back home for his helmet before getting too far down the road.

Anyway, the trip back home was much more relaxing for me. I was used to the bike a bit more and knew the roads and what to expect. The arthritis in my shoulders really gave me a what for, but the ride was so worth the pain. I can hardly wait to go again. It's pain pills yet today but the joy of the ride is still there too. Thank God for pain pills and a nice ride. 😀

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