Saturday, October 26, 2019

Nippy morning

Woke up to 59º outside this morning. Boy am I glad I put the quilt on the bed yesterday. It was 71 inside, but felt much cooler than that. The coffee went down good today. In fact it cooled off a little too fast for me.

Yesterday I did the cleaning and got Carl's cage torn down and cleaned well. He was really hard to catch, more so than last time. By the time I finally caught him, he was panting and I was about ready to give up. But I'm stubborn and didn't want a sick bird either. I moved one of his perches so he poohed on the paper and not on the inside wall of the base. That will keep the cage cleaner in between the weekly cleaning and daily too. My Betta died so I took down and cleaned that little tank and put it away. No fish for awhile. They just don't live long in small tanks. Usually my Betta's live longer but Riley didn't.

More and more of the birds are coming back to Yuma. It's much noisier with the added 200,000 people in Yuma. By November larger numbers will be returning and January many Canadians come.

Thursday when I was at my car in the Walmart parking lot a lady asked how I liked our SmartCar. She asked to look inside and was quite curious about the car. anyway we got to talking and she started complaining about the snowbirds. This has happened to me several times before, so I asked her what made her think I wasn't a snowbird. She told me because I was smiling. LOL Many people notice how rude and grumpy so many of the "birds" are, not just me. It made me happy that I try to keep a smile on my face.

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