Saturday, September 28, 2019

New family member

Yesterday we spent the day store browsing all of our favorite stores.The last one we went to was PetSmart. I was thinking of getting a larger aquarium or a canary. As a child we had a canary, named Dickey. Mom and I loved that bird. One morning I woke up and Dickey was laying on the floor of his cage. Mom and I both cried hard. He would sing whenever mom played the piano or we sang. So since that day she and I always wanted another. Well to shorten up this story, I’ve decided to get one. Mom gave me some money and I will use some to buy the canary, cage and other needs. We saw the bird and when I got home I did some thinking of care for either the aquarium or the bird. The bird is easier for me to care for then a larger tank. My hands won’t be able to do that many jugs of water when it came time to clean the aquarium. Cleaning the bird cage is much less stressful on my joints. 

This morning Mark and I went back to the pet store to get the canary and it’s needed things. I’m really excited and wish mom could see it and hear it sing. Well I hope it will be happy enough to sing. I’ll do my best.

After the canary cage was assembled my my dear hubby, I preceded to let the canary enter his new digs on his own. He flew right in and started to investigate. He loves the swing most of all. 

While Mark and I were eating lunch I mentioned that I may name the bird Tweety. Mark said something like, better than Carl. But hey, that just sounded so right. It's my gift from mom and her dad's name was Carl. So Carl the canary it is. We just hope it's a Carl and not a Carolyn. Males are the singers and females, not so much. Keeping my fingers crossed for a male. PS. It is difficult to figure out the sex of the bird even for the breeders.

Sadly PetSmart didn't have a stand so I ordered on from WM for $10 less than the one on the PetSmart webpage. They were exactly the same stand too. But it won't be here until next Friday. Which means Carl's cage is sitting on my curio cabinet until then.

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