Sunday, September 15, 2019


In Yuma there is no color change like in the northern states. So we add color by setting out real and fake flowers.
And since my favorite season is fall and the fall colors, I've put together a fall flower arrangement in a pot out front. Walmart had some mums that quite frankly weren't looking so good. But I thought some good watering might revive them. The white one I think is a lost cause, but I'll keep at it.

The weather was starting to turn to a more comfortable temp until Friday when the temps were on the rise again. Summer isn't quite ready to let go in the Sonoran desert. So this weekend it was quite warm. The nights are starting to cool into the low 80s and mid 70's now. Which means the a/c isn't running as long or as hard. And will be reflected in the next utility bill.

The snowbirds are filtering in already too. Does that mean they will leave early? That would be so nice. Or at least I hope it's a better bunch than last year. The stores and streets are getting much busier, making shopping and driving a headache. That could be a blessing in disguise. You don't spend money if you stay home. Oh, dear, online shopping. hehehe😊

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