Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Last night we went out for supper because I lost track of time and didn't want supper at 8. Our favorite place, The Eatery wasn't busy so we gave our order and received our food quickly. As usual the food and service was great.

Leaving the restaurant we saw a large dark cloud in the west that sent off cloud to ground lightning. It was quite a light show that sent hairs on my arm to stand up. Before we got home it started to rain huge drops and shortly after entering our home it started to rain in earnest. The wind, rain, thunder and lightning intensified to the point of scaring the daylights out of Lola. It had been a long time since we heard a storm like that.

As the wind roared some things on the porch took flight. Mums flew off of the swaying bookshelf, scatter rugs scattered across the porch and the rain rolled on the porch like waves on the lake. All this happening before poor Lola could go out to do her business. The storm lasted about 45 minutes and dropped a whopping 2 inches of rain, according to the news last night. It was also reported that some 9000 homes and businesses were without power. This morning the news stated that there were 13,000 without power. PTL we were not one of those people. Power is now being restored.

When the rain cleared, Mark took poor Lola out to go potty. The area where she usually walks to was flooded. That meant she didn't know where to do her dump.. She is really trained well as to where so can and can not go potty. So number two had to wait until morning. No amount of coaxing would convince her it was ok to "go" somewhere else. What a silly dog.

Another round of thunder, lightning and rain came back around 2 a.m. The noise woke me up out of a sound sleep even with my earplugs in. It was quite a window rattler again. Speaking of windows we were happy that none of the windows leaked in our new home. In fact we found no leaks anywhere. Thanks be to God. The little house had several windows that leaked.

Morning came with bright sunshine, little breeze and little humidity. So off to the laundry room I went, and Mark and Lola going to an early morning potty run. Lola was ready to go the minute I got out of bed. All the laundry is on the lines and with so little breeze will be out there for hours today. There is more heavy rain in the forecast so I hope the stuff will be dry before then.

Here are some shots of the storm approaching our area.........

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