Friday, August 23, 2019

Wind and a leaf blower

Thursday morning, Mark went to WM  to look into another job he was offered there. It’s in the fishing and hunting area. He was told he would be a good fit there because he is so outgoing. But he was never told the hours so he’s not sure he wants it. That is because he is assuming it’s a full time position. And he is not interested in full time. He is semi retired and likes it just that way. It’s less physical work than in produce which is good, but it’s his decision to make. So for now he is still in produce.

Last night we had a horrendous wind that woke me up thinking someone was messing around outside. When we got up this morning there were sand piles all over the porch. So after I got dressed I took out the leaf blower and blew the sand off of everything. Then I proceeded to wash most everything off, including the spots on the floor and the railings that have been bugging me. When I finished it looked like I played in the water. I’ll need a shower this morning. Not sure how long it will take for my clothes to dry, they are wringing wet. But the porch is cleared of most of the sand and it looks much better. When it cools down we will take the garden house to the porch and give it a good cleaning. It’s still windy today but not quite like last night, so I’ll have more sand to clean off when the wind stops. Which won’t be until maybe Monday. And they call Chicago the windy city. hehehehe

Mark got the water softened and all the garbage and boxes to the dumpster. Lola’s extra bed had to go to the dumpster too. The heat really took its toll on that, since it was kept on the porch. But we have no plans of taking her to the kennel anytime soon. Too hot to go anywhere too far.

For now the excessive heat has come to an end so the a/c isn't working so hard. The sky is a bit overcast today and there is a wind, again. That will make it more comfortable when we take Lola out. She goes into the car nicely but we all need the exercise of walking. And Lola loves to walk. When she walks with Mark he stops at hydrants for her to get a drink. That is the highlight of the walk for her. Just like a kid at a drinking fountain.