Monday, August 12, 2019

Here we go again

We were just notified that another extreme heat warning will be in effect from Tuesday through Thursday, with Wednesday and Thursday being the hottest of those days. Today I'll make sure I have what we will need, such as milk and water so I won't have to leave the house other than take the dog out to do her business. When she needs to go potty we drive her to a spot that has been and is in shade so as not to burn her feet. Her feet have really toughened up in the last three years but hot asphalt can melt the soles of shoes.  Imagine what it can do to a paw.

Lola has been a great dog with all the traveling we did in the fifth wheel. When we got out of the truck she never knew where we were landing or how long her home would be anywhere. She was great in the truck,  asking for attention by sticking her head to our necks for a quick kiss or a scratch behind the ears. Sometimes just to let us know we had driven long enough and it was time for a potty break. Not once did she have a fit of whining or barking in the truck. What an amazing traveler. She endured sand burrs sticking here feet, gravel on her feet when she was used to grass, all she knew is that we were always with her. I think she misses the days on end of us always being right next to her. Now that we have a firm foundation of a home without wheels, she doesn't have to wonder where she is when she goes out the door. She took to the more stable living like she does everything else.... as long as she is fed, she's happy. hehehe  She has learned that when mamma says to the car, it means that the road is too hot on which to walk. Even in the car she sits like the little pampered princess that she has become. She still likes going for rides. But being in the truck is still her favorite. I think to her it means adventure lies ahead.

With the heat that is one the way I'm happy that my new DVD's will be here today. Or at least they should be here today.  I'll need something besides housework to keep me occupied. You can only clean and organize so much. And it's too hot to tackle any of the outside stuff that I still need to do. My card making has lost its luster. Having to drag everything out has become more of a chore than a treat. So I'm seriously considering selling some of my craft stuff at the first craft sale here in the park. There are a lot of craft people that live here so it should sell. I'll keep enough to do a few things. I don't send many cards anymore. Card sending has become a thing of the past for so many people. So I don't bother anymore either. There are some that really appreciate my cards so I will continue to send to them. :) Times change.