Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Monday morning we got a call at 8 to bring my SmartCar into the shop.  They do things differently here or at least at this shop. The check engine light went on on Saturday and it was running poorly.  So it needed to be checked before something major would break. Mark was at work but it was too hot for me to go anywhere anyway. 

Sunday we took the truck to church. Mark was really tired from working so many nights in a row. But the children had a musical and the pastor asked if everyone would come to that service and support the kids. It was so cute and they did such a great job. We were really glad that we didn’t miss the program. We then went to Denny’s for lunch. The rest of the day we stayed inside. It was so blasted hot that we waited until dark to take Lola out and we drove her too. Don’t want to chance her bring her feet.

We did go out for our anniversary. We went to the Olive Garden even though we weren’t really feeling up to celebrating. Mike had called earlier that mom may not be around much longer.

Tuesday, August 6th
This morning I had a text saying that mom had bounced back and was doing better. She has bounced back before so I guess God isn't ready to take her home just yet. And she wants to go home to our Lord so badly. She has had a tough life and dying is just as hard for her. I feel so bad that she has to go through all of this too.  Life isn't fair.

This morning I drove to the laundromat across the highway from us. They have a/c and soft water. It costs more to wash and dry there but it’s clean, the water is soft, there is a/c and the machines wash longer too. I really should just go there every time. But they are usually so darn busy and in the summer they are only open until 1. So the mornings there are busy but today it was perfect. I got the machines I needed and I was done and out of there before too many people came. Then I hung the things on the lines that can’t go in the dryer. There wasn't much sun this morning but the heat dried the clothes on the lines in just a bit over an hour.

In the afternoon we went to the pool for a tad over an hour. I got a bit kissed by the sun since we went when the sun was pretty hot. But the water felt good and it felt good to get some much needed exercise too.

Taco’s for supper, dishes and a shower. One of my “little people” shows started again tonight so I had to wait until it was over to take my shower. After my shower I remembered that I didn’t get to the store for a new blow dryer. Mine has a hot spot and I’m afraid I’ll start my hair on fire. My hair is so long and thick that I really need a dryer now. Mine has to be around 15 years old, I can’t even remember when I got it, at Adelia’s house or our place on second Ave. hehehe Guess I’m due for a new one. It was still so hot outside that to dry my hair I shook my head like a dog and it at least got half way dry. hehehe