Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Dark Shadows and records

Sunday afternoon I worked on  cleaning and going through my records. I wasn't sure how many of them made it through storage, but I’ve cleaned them all and the record player. I set up the record player on a little stand by the couch and put the records in one of those plastic cubes, a blue one.  On Monday I tried some of them, to see if any of the records are still good. Some of the records were a bit warped but they played just fine. I’ve kept my favorite ones and donated my less liked ones and most damaged to the thrift store. Some people use them for different crafts.  Since the boxes of records are no longer in the cabinets on the porch I now have room for some of the holiday things I still have. Maybe even some new stuff. I didn’t keep much, just what wouldn’t sell and was too nice to just give away.  

After supper I watched the last episode of Dark Shadows that I had. The others that I ordered won't be here until Wednesday. But after some thinking and checking out my saved money, I decided it would be more cost effective if I returned the ones I've ordered and just broke down and bought the complete collection. So on to Amazon I went and ordered the set. The set should be here today. Then I'll go to UPS and return the last DVDs that I ordered. Amazon makes it pretty easy to return an item.  I've been thoroughly enjoying watching a program that I enjoyed as a teen and so happy to see that it is available on DVD. Four years ago of so I ordered the first DVD series and after bringing our things from MN to Yuma, I was able to watch it again. And that is when I really got hooked on the gothic soap. It's addictive to me. hehehe I know what I'll be doing on the balance of the hot summer days. ๐Ÿ˜„

Monday a very real dark shadow fell for me. I got a call saying mom was getting a morphine pump and wouldn't be here much longer. For the last ten months I've been mourning her loss and now it will soon become a reality. It's been hard the last couple days not writing an addition to the letters I've written to her for the last 8 months. First it was no emails, then no phone calls to her, and now ........ All I want is for her to suffer no more. She has suffered most of her adult life and these last 10 months have been horrific for her. Everytime the phone has rang I've been afraid of who is calling. I know the final call will hurt no matter now prepared I am for the news. I'm not as tough as I like to think I am.๐Ÿ˜ข