Thursday, August 8, 2019


Republicans again make the US proud by earning third world country status:
Amnesty International today issued a travel warning calling for a travelers and visitors to the United States to exercise extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has become so prevalent in the US that it amounts to a human rights crisis.
But wait there is even more:
Depending on the traveler's gender identity, race, country of origin, ethnic background or sexual orientation, they may be at higher risk of being targeted with gun violence, and should plan accordingly, the advisory adds.
Over the course of the last 2 years this is the level we have sunk to in the eyes of the world. Now that is pathetic................
With Trump in office it gets closer and closer for Americans to be held hostage in our own country. All the men and women who gave their lives or put their lives in danger for our freedom may have fought in vain.

I'm afraid to live in my/our own country anymore. Or what used to be my/our country. Trump wants to be in total control, no more freedom for anyone, just him being worshipped and controlling our lives in every aspect. He does nothing but start and stir hatred and fear. Unless you are totally for whatever he says or does it is fake. Yes, I'm frightened, if he continues to  be in office and is allowed to continuously get by with his hate filled threats and evil doings our freedom will be lost. 
I am not democrat or republican, but I  am not stupid or ignorant enough to vote without the knowledge of what the candidate really was like. Trump was and still is a crook, a liar, poor business person, self centered, racist, and a rapist.