Saturday, August 17, 2019

Heat and more heat

This summer seems to have more and longer high heat spells than last summer. Or maybe last summer here was a new experience for us and this year is less of a surprise. But anyway it just seems to drag on and on. We are still in an excessive heat warning and another is on the way next week. It feels like a MN winter when winter just doesn't seem to end, this summer seems never ending. But August is coming to an end so it won't be long and the nicer weather will be here, but then so will the snowbirds

This week Mark had to replace the filter on our water system. We had debated on getting a better system, one that works better on Yuma water. But the cost factor is an issue at this time. We are still working, and not succeeding much, on putting money back into our savings from the MN trips. With my dental work, car repair and our phones being replaced, we haven't put anything away.  I sure hope that nothing else pops up. It will just have to wait, and wait it will.

Mark has been getting more hours at work which is nice money wise, but he is so tired from the extra work. He has little time for much else, but does find the time for a motorcycle ride once in awhile. Next week they have him scheduled for 6 days in a row. So last night he met with the managers and they have now put a day off in between those 6 days. They seem to forget that he isn't in his teens and twenties like the other employees. That is hard for Mark to admit sometimes too.

On these hot days I 've been enjoying the Dark Shadow (old soapie from 1966) DVD's. I remember running home from school so I wouldn't miss the show. I've got the first three seasons, with season 4 waiting in the shopping cart, and hope to eventually get more of them. Amazon carries the whole series which surprised me when I saw that. There is still an active Fan Club for Dark Shadows and a page on Facebook too. I honestly didn't think I would ever see this soap again. Now I look forward to kicking back and watching a few episodes a day. There is little that I remember so they are almost new shows to me. After all it's been 55 years since I last watched the show. Fifty five years? Has it really been that long?