Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Dark Shadows and records

Sunday afternoon I worked on  cleaning and going through my records. I wasn't sure how many of them made it through storage, but I’ve cleaned them all and the record player. I set up the record player on a little stand by the couch and put the records in one of those plastic cubes, a blue one.  On Monday I tried some of them, to see if any of the records are still good. Some of the records were a bit warped but they played just fine. I’ve kept my favorite ones and donated my less liked ones and most damaged to the thrift store. Some people use them for different crafts.  Since the boxes of records are no longer in the cabinets on the porch I now have room for some of the holiday things I still have. Maybe even some new stuff. I didn’t keep much, just what wouldn’t sell and was too nice to just give away.  

After supper I watched the last episode of Dark Shadows that I had. The others that I ordered won't be here until Wednesday. But after some thinking and checking out my saved money, I decided it would be more cost effective if I returned the ones I've ordered and just broke down and bought the complete collection. So on to Amazon I went and ordered the set. The set should be here today. Then I'll go to UPS and return the last DVDs that I ordered. Amazon makes it pretty easy to return an item.  I've been thoroughly enjoying watching a program that I enjoyed as a teen and so happy to see that it is available on DVD. Four years ago of so I ordered the first DVD series and after bringing our things from MN to Yuma, I was able to watch it again. And that is when I really got hooked on the gothic soap. It's addictive to me. hehehe I know what I'll be doing on the balance of the hot summer days. 😄

Monday a very real dark shadow fell for me. I got a call saying mom was getting a morphine pump and wouldn't be here much longer. For the last ten months I've been mourning her loss and now it will soon become a reality. It's been hard the last couple days not writing an addition to the letters I've written to her for the last 8 months. First it was no emails, then no phone calls to her, and now ........ All I want is for her to suffer no more. She has suffered most of her adult life and these last 10 months have been horrific for her. Everytime the phone has rang I've been afraid of who is calling. I know the final call will hurt no matter now prepared I am for the news. I'm not as tough as I like to think I am.😢

Friday, August 23, 2019

Wind and a leaf blower

Thursday morning, Mark went to WM  to look into another job he was offered there. It’s in the fishing and hunting area. He was told he would be a good fit there because he is so outgoing. But he was never told the hours so he’s not sure he wants it. That is because he is assuming it’s a full time position. And he is not interested in full time. He is semi retired and likes it just that way. It’s less physical work than in produce which is good, but it’s his decision to make. So for now he is still in produce.

Last night we had a horrendous wind that woke me up thinking someone was messing around outside. When we got up this morning there were sand piles all over the porch. So after I got dressed I took out the leaf blower and blew the sand off of everything. Then I proceeded to wash most everything off, including the spots on the floor and the railings that have been bugging me. When I finished it looked like I played in the water. I’ll need a shower this morning. Not sure how long it will take for my clothes to dry, they are wringing wet. But the porch is cleared of most of the sand and it looks much better. When it cools down we will take the garden house to the porch and give it a good cleaning. It’s still windy today but not quite like last night, so I’ll have more sand to clean off when the wind stops. Which won’t be until maybe Monday. And they call Chicago the windy city. hehehehe

Mark got the water softened and all the garbage and boxes to the dumpster. Lola’s extra bed had to go to the dumpster too. The heat really took its toll on that, since it was kept on the porch. But we have no plans of taking her to the kennel anytime soon. Too hot to go anywhere too far.

For now the excessive heat has come to an end so the a/c isn't working so hard. The sky is a bit overcast today and there is a wind, again. That will make it more comfortable when we take Lola out. She goes into the car nicely but we all need the exercise of walking. And Lola loves to walk. When she walks with Mark he stops at hydrants for her to get a drink. That is the highlight of the walk for her. Just like a kid at a drinking fountain.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Heat and more heat

This summer seems to have more and longer high heat spells than last summer. Or maybe last summer here was a new experience for us and this year is less of a surprise. But anyway it just seems to drag on and on. We are still in an excessive heat warning and another is on the way next week. It feels like a MN winter when winter just doesn't seem to end, this summer seems never ending. But August is coming to an end so it won't be long and the nicer weather will be here, but then so will the snowbirds

This week Mark had to replace the filter on our water system. We had debated on getting a better system, one that works better on Yuma water. But the cost factor is an issue at this time. We are still working, and not succeeding much, on putting money back into our savings from the MN trips. With my dental work, car repair and our phones being replaced, we haven't put anything away.  I sure hope that nothing else pops up. It will just have to wait, and wait it will.

Mark has been getting more hours at work which is nice money wise, but he is so tired from the extra work. He has little time for much else, but does find the time for a motorcycle ride once in awhile. Next week they have him scheduled for 6 days in a row. So last night he met with the managers and they have now put a day off in between those 6 days. They seem to forget that he isn't in his teens and twenties like the other employees. That is hard for Mark to admit sometimes too.

On these hot days I 've been enjoying the Dark Shadow (old soapie from 1966) DVD's. I remember running home from school so I wouldn't miss the show. I've got the first three seasons, with season 4 waiting in the shopping cart, and hope to eventually get more of them. Amazon carries the whole series which surprised me when I saw that. There is still an active Fan Club for Dark Shadows and a page on Facebook too. I honestly didn't think I would ever see this soap again. Now I look forward to kicking back and watching a few episodes a day. There is little that I remember so they are almost new shows to me. After all it's been 55 years since I last watched the show. Fifty five years? Has it really been that long?

Monday, August 12, 2019

Here we go again

We were just notified that another extreme heat warning will be in effect from Tuesday through Thursday, with Wednesday and Thursday being the hottest of those days. Today I'll make sure I have what we will need, such as milk and water so I won't have to leave the house other than take the dog out to do her business. When she needs to go potty we drive her to a spot that has been and is in shade so as not to burn her feet. Her feet have really toughened up in the last three years but hot asphalt can melt the soles of shoes.  Imagine what it can do to a paw.

Lola has been a great dog with all the traveling we did in the fifth wheel. When we got out of the truck she never knew where we were landing or how long her home would be anywhere. She was great in the truck,  asking for attention by sticking her head to our necks for a quick kiss or a scratch behind the ears. Sometimes just to let us know we had driven long enough and it was time for a potty break. Not once did she have a fit of whining or barking in the truck. What an amazing traveler. She endured sand burrs sticking here feet, gravel on her feet when she was used to grass, all she knew is that we were always with her. I think she misses the days on end of us always being right next to her. Now that we have a firm foundation of a home without wheels, she doesn't have to wonder where she is when she goes out the door. She took to the more stable living like she does everything else.... as long as she is fed, she's happy. hehehe  She has learned that when mamma says to the car, it means that the road is too hot on which to walk. Even in the car she sits like the little pampered princess that she has become. She still likes going for rides. But being in the truck is still her favorite. I think to her it means adventure lies ahead.

With the heat that is one the way I'm happy that my new DVD's will be here today. Or at least they should be here today.  I'll need something besides housework to keep me occupied. You can only clean and organize so much. And it's too hot to tackle any of the outside stuff that I still need to do. My card making has lost its luster. Having to drag everything out has become more of a chore than a treat. So I'm seriously considering selling some of my craft stuff at the first craft sale here in the park. There are a lot of craft people that live here so it should sell. I'll keep enough to do a few things. I don't send many cards anymore. Card sending has become a thing of the past for so many people. So I don't bother anymore either. There are some that really appreciate my cards so I will continue to send to them. :) Times change.

Friday, August 9, 2019


Our outside world is mostly beige and tan, so I'm trying to bring color to the inside of our home. When we moved here everything in the house was beige, off yellow, tan and brown. No rooms but the family room has been painted ( the walls were really scratched up) but in the bathroom my accent color is purple (of course), bedroom is marron, kitchen is red and the living room I'm working on adding blues. Greta had a pretty yellow swag hanging high on the west wall above the window, which is a nice bright color but I'm not a fan of yellow and I didn't want it with my blue. So I took the yellow swag down and made a blue swag this afternoon. The $ Tree had some nice flowers to choose from. Here is a picture of the yellow swag and the blue one that I made this afternoon. I'm pleased with the way mine turned out. Bye bye yellow, hello blue....

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Republicans again make the US proud by earning third world country status:
Amnesty International today issued a travel warning calling for a travelers and visitors to the United States to exercise extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has become so prevalent in the US that it amounts to a human rights crisis.
But wait there is even more:
Depending on the traveler's gender identity, race, country of origin, ethnic background or sexual orientation, they may be at higher risk of being targeted with gun violence, and should plan accordingly, the advisory adds.
Over the course of the last 2 years this is the level we have sunk to in the eyes of the world. Now that is pathetic................
With Trump in office it gets closer and closer for Americans to be held hostage in our own country. All the men and women who gave their lives or put their lives in danger for our freedom may have fought in vain.

I'm afraid to live in my/our own country anymore. Or what used to be my/our country. Trump wants to be in total control, no more freedom for anyone, just him being worshipped and controlling our lives in every aspect. He does nothing but start and stir hatred and fear. Unless you are totally for whatever he says or does it is fake. Yes, I'm frightened, if he continues to  be in office and is allowed to continuously get by with his hate filled threats and evil doings our freedom will be lost. 
I am not democrat or republican, but I  am not stupid or ignorant enough to vote without the knowledge of what the candidate really was like. Trump was and still is a crook, a liar, poor business person, self centered, racist, and a rapist. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Monday morning we got a call at 8 to bring my SmartCar into the shop.  They do things differently here or at least at this shop. The check engine light went on on Saturday and it was running poorly.  So it needed to be checked before something major would break. Mark was at work but it was too hot for me to go anywhere anyway. 

Sunday we took the truck to church. Mark was really tired from working so many nights in a row. But the children had a musical and the pastor asked if everyone would come to that service and support the kids. It was so cute and they did such a great job. We were really glad that we didn’t miss the program. We then went to Denny’s for lunch. The rest of the day we stayed inside. It was so blasted hot that we waited until dark to take Lola out and we drove her too. Don’t want to chance her bring her feet.

We did go out for our anniversary. We went to the Olive Garden even though we weren’t really feeling up to celebrating. Mike had called earlier that mom may not be around much longer.

Tuesday, August 6th
This morning I had a text saying that mom had bounced back and was doing better. She has bounced back before so I guess God isn't ready to take her home just yet. And she wants to go home to our Lord so badly. She has had a tough life and dying is just as hard for her. I feel so bad that she has to go through all of this too.  Life isn't fair.

This morning I drove to the laundromat across the highway from us. They have a/c and soft water. It costs more to wash and dry there but it’s clean, the water is soft, there is a/c and the machines wash longer too. I really should just go there every time. But they are usually so darn busy and in the summer they are only open until 1. So the mornings there are busy but today it was perfect. I got the machines I needed and I was done and out of there before too many people came. Then I hung the things on the lines that can’t go in the dryer. There wasn't much sun this morning but the heat dried the clothes on the lines in just a bit over an hour.

In the afternoon we went to the pool for a tad over an hour. I got a bit kissed by the sun since we went when the sun was pretty hot. But the water felt good and it felt good to get some much needed exercise too.

Taco’s for supper, dishes and a shower. One of my “little people” shows started again tonight so I had to wait until it was over to take my shower. After my shower I remembered that I didn’t get to the store for a new blow dryer. Mine has a hot spot and I’m afraid I’ll start my hair on fire. My hair is so long and thick that I really need a dryer now. Mine has to be around 15 years old, I can’t even remember when I got it, at Adelia’s house or our place on second Ave. hehehe Guess I’m due for a new one. It was still so hot outside that to dry my hair I shook my head like a dog and it at least got half way dry. hehehe 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Sometimes you don’t feel like talking
because you have nothing to say.
Sometimes you don’t feel like talking
because of what you might say.
Sometimes you don’t feel like talking
because your words may be too strong.
Sometimes you don’t feel like talking
because everything you say may be wrong.
Sometimes you don’t feel like talking
because no one seems to care.
Sometimes you don’t feel like talking
so kneel and say it in prayer.
By, Cindy Benton

Friday, August 2, 2019

July 31

So todays bike trip started out around 8 am and found me headed north and east once more. This time my destination was Quartzsite AZ.
This is a "huge little town" between Yuma and Phoenix that once a year in January holds one of the largest RV shows in the nation. They are also very well known for being one of the the largest Boondocking sites in the lower 48 when the snowbirds come south each winter. Hence huge little town. The placed was of course empty this time of year but an interesting destination just the same as you can see campers of every make and type parked here and there all over the place awaiting their snow bird owners to return.
175 miles total with a few side tracks and breaks. to watch amongst other things more paratroopers dropping from the sky.
The bike ran great in the 102 deg weather. Cruising at about 70 mph seemed to be it's sweet spot. Hardly any traffic and what I did see was rear tail lights as they flew by me like I was stopped. Remember it's a desert, you can see the road disappear in a straight line ahead of you some 15 miles crossing the valley.
Made it back home by 12:15 pm.
Picture included is of an old house boat I spotted on the way. If you look close you can see multiple upgrades/downgrades that have been done to it over the years. Imagine the fun one could have spending your winter houseboating on this rig.