Saturday, November 3, 2018

Goodbye mommy.

Last Saturday we headed to Minnesota to say a sad goodbye to my dear mom.  She has been my best friend and confidant my whole life. And I will miss her like I would miss my arms. How do you say goodbye to someone you love so very much? There is no easy answer to that question. When that special person is suffering and has suffered for so long, the good-bye is still difficult, but knowing that she will be going to heaven to be with our Lord, and have no more pain and suffering, eases my heart.  She has suffered long and hard with congestive heart failure and fought like crazy but it took its toll on her body. She is now in hospice waiting to be with God.  My family and her husband gave my husband and I private time with her to say our goodbyes and to go with God. That is the most difficult conversation I have ever had with my mom. Even harder than admitting when I had to tell her something that I had done that would make her sad or angry.

In my heart I hope that she knew we were there to see her even though she wasn't coherent the whole time we were there. God, I'm sure, made it possible for her to hear our love yous and blessings.

Thanks to our many friends and family our trip to Minnesota it was also a happy one. We were so happy to see everyone. Mark met and spent time with his special friends. We also got to spend time with my best friend, our son, daughter in law, my brothers and their wives, my brother in law and sister Barb. I wish you all could come and see us and Yuma.

This was also the first time for me to fly in an airplane. And to my dismay, it won't be the last time. The flying wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but the waiting, the many people, the rushing and waiting, the stress of it all, and the fact that everyone is packed into the plane like sardines, made it the worst way for me to travel. It was uneventful and the times I was uneasy, Mark held my hand tightly to comfort me.  But I will still say I hate flying.

It was late last night when we got home. We both worked hard at unpacking and putting away as much as possible before going to bed. It was even later when we finally collapsed into our own bed, falling asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow. A long, stressful week wore us out completely.

This morning after a cup of coffee we headed out to pick up Lola from the kennel. This was the first time she had been in a kennel since we got her. She was just crazy with happiness to see us, not knowing who to go to next, running in circles making us all laugh. The caretaker said Lola did very well and was very social with the other pets and had a favorite little dog as her special friend. Before Mark left for work she wouldn't leave his side and has been next to me or in my lap when ever she could catch me being still or sitting down.

The clothes were sorted and I got them and Lola's bed washed this morning. My back isn't too happy, but I even got all the ironing done. Mark had to work today so it was a quick lunch, pack his supper, and do dishes. And from there I went nonstop until I got everything done that I needed to do. A nice hot shower tonight felt absolutely wonderful after sleeping in motel beds and taking hard water showers with teeny tiny bars of soap. I am exhausted, clean and so very happy to be home.

It was nice visiting Minnesota in the fall, my favorite time of year. But my feet were cold the whole time. Lows in the low 30's and high at 50º just isn't what I am comfortable with anymore. Yuma is our home now and I've finally warmed up down to my toes once again.  😎

God bless each and everyone that reads this entry. You are all special to us.
                     Good Night.

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