Thursday, November 22, 2018

My kind of turkey

This year I am able to make a whole turkey and not just a breast for Thanksgiving. Having a regular size oven is one thing I am thankful for this year. No white meat for me, pass the dark meat and keep your mit's off of it!!!! hehehe

Yesterday was a busy day of prep for today. This year many of our usual foods will be sugar free and less fancy. No green bean casserole or scalloped corn. Mark doesn't eat it anyway I don't need it. But the dressing, gravy and mashed potatoes will be the same high calorie food as always. hehehe The sugar free, crustless pumpkin pie will be new and not sure how it will go over, but I do what I have to do to make it diabetic friendly. The cranberry sauce is still from scratch but I used the new sweetener Xylital in that. All in all most of our favorites will be served, just made in a different way. It was a challenge.

 When I was done with my work for the day, it was late and I headed to the shower. I almost needed help getting in and out etc, I was hurting so much. But I do what I need to do one way or the other. hehehe It felt so good to sit in my recliner with my feet up and feel good about all that I got done.

As is our tradition, the Christmas decorations and tree will go up later today. Well that is if I am up to it after all the clean up etc. from dinner. Most of our Christmas decorations are still in storage in MN. But I did pick up some things from the Dollar Tree now and then. Anyway, it won't take as long to decorate as it has in years past. We don't have the room for all of my decorations either. hehe I do have quite a bunch packed.

Time to open the house before the oven bakes us out of here. It's a rather gloomy gray day so I'll have to make my own sunshine. Maybe some Christmas music later today. :)

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