Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The heat is on!

With the temps dropping to the upper 40's at night we decided to turn the heat on at bedtime last night. Living in a trailer it can get pretty cold on the inside when it's that cold at night. Yes, I said cold. We have not been in snow or major cold for some time now so anything below 70 is chilly or cold to us. I bundle up good when I take Lola out for her evening walk. The temperature at that time has usually been 64º. Which to our northern friends and family is pretty darn nice, but to us it's darn cold. It's what you get used to.

There is a craft show this week that I will be taking my crafts to in hopes of selling all that I've made. I really doubt that will happen but I hope that at least most of it sells. It should be fun too. I was told that the first one doesn't have the best turnout since most of the snowbirds aren't here yet but it is for the public too and I'm hoping that some of them will make up the difference. Sadly it's not at a very good time of day or week, in my opinion, for the public to shop. I need to make up  a sign yet that says NO CHECKS, CASH ONLY. I've gotten burned before and I don't want that to happen again.

Some day this week our new bed is suppose to arrive so I need to stay close to home. I've been praying that the king size mattress will fit through our smaller than average patio door. Mattresses do smoosh some, don't they? 😦

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