Friday, November 9, 2018

Comfort returns

A week has passed since our trip to MN and we have settled back into our routines. The weather has been just gorgeous, sunny, mid 80’s during the day and upper 50’s to low 60s at night.😍 It won’t be long and a quilt will go on the bed.

Speaking of beds, we broke down and purchased a new mattress. We have been using an RV, queen short since living in our RV. We bought a good, quality mattress before leaving MN. But RV mattresses aren’t really made for using 365 days of the year. We still need the under the bed storage so we also got a frame that is higher allowing for storage. The new bed had to be ordered and will be delivered sometime next week at no charge. How nice is that? 😄 We will take the RV mattress and put it back in the Montana and toss the mattress that is in there now (that one is not worth saving). Our new mattress is a king size like we have used before moving into our RV. We can hardly wait for a good night's sleep with some room to move again. 😴

All the “stuff” that is under the bed will be packed into clear totes instead of being tossed under the bed like it is now. The bed we have now has hidden storage so you don’t see the mess unless you lift the cover that the mattress is on. It’s a lot like in an RV. Anyway, the totes should make it easier to find things too. Moving things from mess to totes may cause some tossing out as well. 😏

The Arizona Market Place has opened for the winter. So yesterday we checked it out. Not every vendor is there yet so there were still some vacancies. I hope my favorite t-shirt vendor comes back as I am running low on good shirts. The produce spots were full and operating to full capacity. We did purchase a pair of sandals like I bought last year. They are so very comfortable and cheap too. I didn’t need them yet, but they go fast and I’m sure I’ll need them next summer.😎

Mark put his little tv on the porch for the winter and I organized the seating to look more homey and inviting. We could use some outdoor decorations yet. But for now this will have to do. A lot of places here have their porches set up like a tv room with easy chairs, table and lamps. Our lawn chairs work just fine in the dirty wind of Yuma. Today is one of those days. The wind is really blowing and it’s beating up my hanging plants. They may have to come down and be put inside. But I won’t have anything on the porch that will need to be vacuumed clean. :) 😌

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