Saturday, November 17, 2018

Sweet dreams

Yesterday after the sheets were on the lines to dry we headed out for lunch. Even though we ate at the Golden Corral we both ate sensibly. We live to close to the borders of California and Mexico that we headed to California for a ride. No destination in mind, just a nice road trip. We saw a different side of the border fence and then the dunes.

Yes, these are actual pictures I took with my cell phone, not something off the internet. They do look fake though, don't they.
I've never seen dunes before so it was quite a sight for me to see. At first I thought Mark really took a wrong turn and we were on the moon. 😮 There were many campers with 4x4's all ready to ride the dunes. Quite a few were already enjoying the ride in the hilly sand. We say all of this in just 30 miles from Yuma. Nice ride, nice day. good time.

On our way home I got a phone call from the furniture store. Kevin said that our mattress was in and would be delivered Saturday morning. That made me so happy to hear. Not sure if it was the excitement or just a bad night, but neither of us slept well Friday night.

The new mattress and frame came today as promised. Oh happy day, finally some room to turn around without kicking each other. All week I was worried that the mattress wouldn't fit through the smaller than average patio door. But God once again proved I didn't need to worry and should leave it all to Him. The men set up the frame in a snap and placed it where I wanted it to be.  There isn't much room left in the bedroom but just enough to get around the bed with relative ease. With the mattress on top, our bed is now higher than it was too. Which makes it much easier for me to get in and out of and easier changing sheets as well. Our queen short RV mattress will head back to the RV when Mark has a day off and the old frame will go to GoodWill. The frame is in too good of shape to toss it in the dump, wherever that may be.

After a cup of coffee Mark and I took the old mattress and frame to the porch. Earlier I took all the stuff from under the bed to the porch. Moving the bed to the porch wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be, although I'm no help lifting, just steering from the rear.  Our porch is looking pretty full for the time being.

When lunch and dishes was done, Mark headed to work and I had the task of putting everything back into order. That was NOT an easy task, but I got it done. And for that I'll need a pain pill tonight, if not before.

Even though the bed will be new to us, I really hope that we both sleep much better tonight. It will sure be nice to stretch out without feet hanging over the edge and not kick the other person or take up all the room in the bed. I have a tendency to hog a bed. 😇

Sweet dreams from Yuma!😴

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