Monday, July 10, 2017

Stormy weather

Here it is the middle of July, almost. We are still in Hutchinson and it looks like we will be here through August too. The mid-northern states are so expensive to stay at and so very few campgrounds. So we opted to just stay here another month unless we get the itch to move on out.

We were graced by God and escaped damage from the storms that have passed through. Last night some towns had baseball size hail and 60+ mph winds. The hail would have done severe damage to our solar and home. Which would have had us looking for a place to live. Thanks be to God for sparing us that fate. Listening to the weather at noon, it sounds like another round is to be expected tomorrow. We are praying that we are saved from that one as well. Just another reason to not like living here. 

The ugly wallpaper border is now a thing of the past. I got that stuff off, and the sticky cleaned off of the walls in under 3 days. Once I start on a job I just can’t leave it until it’s done. And boy did my back pay me back for that poor decision. But the end result is a great improvement. Now what can I get into? I’ve been thinking of making valances for the windows, but not sure about that anymore. Maybe just leave well enough alone?

This week, because of a music fest thing here in town, we have to leave the campgrounds. We will be staying at a dear friends place in a neighboring town. Our stay there will only be for a few days and then back to the campgrounds but a different site. We will have to make a couple site moves during the August too. Such is the life of a Nomad.

Today was laundry day which means a fast moving morning once I roll out of bed. Just enough time for one cup of coffee, then get dressed and sort clothes. Mark carries out the two large laundry bags to the truck and carries them in to the laundromat as well. An hour and a half later I call him and he carries everything for me again. He usually goes and visit’s with Harlan while I slave away at the laundromat. LOL I was just informed that it’s  not such a tough job. But when I asked Mark if he wanted that job he stated a definite NO.

Since our fridge and freezer is no longer a full size residential fridge, we have to go shopping more often. Some times I/we forget that we are limited and I really have to be creative on packing stuff into the smaller appliance. There are times when you have to watch your head and toes when opening the doors. At least with Mark coming helping with the grocery shopping there is more of a variety. What I don’t think of he does. Now if I could just get him to cook. LOL LOL He does do a great job of clearing the table and drying dishes though. Team work!

Well it looks like I had better get up and see what kind of trouble I can get into now. 

As always, it’s an adventure.

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