Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Never without ice.

The weather we have been having has been quite a roller coaster. It goes from what I call nice, 73º to horrible which is anything over 80 and humid. Two nice days and then rain or storms seems to be the norm for the month of July. On the hot humid days I sure do go through a lot of water to stay hydrated, even though I stay in the a/c. I’m not much of an outside person really.

Back some months ago we purchased an ice maker. My guess would be that we have had the unit for about 5 months now. And boy does this beauty do a fine job of keeping me in ice for my water.  Yes, I said water. I’m a big water drinker and love to have ice in my water. This unit, made by Igloo, doesn’t take much power so we can even use it when dry camping. That really makes me a “happy camper”. Pun intended. hehehe  After my coffee, of course, it’s the first thing I turn on in the morning and the last thing to get turned off at night.

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