Friday, July 21, 2017

All that glitters is not gold

We have been back at the river park since Monday. We were excited to see that there is internet at the park now. Sadly it is through Nu-Telecom. It is the worst internet provider around. If you are lucky you can get to two different websites, but that is very rare, and they shut the service totally off at 10 pm. I don’t know why the city even bothered with internet when what they offer is a joke. Thankfully we have the hotspot on our phone that works great. You are asking why do we need internet when camping? Well we aren’t “camping”, this is our way of life, how we pay our bills, catch weather updates, news and stay in touch with family, friends and our doctors.   So reliable internet is needed. Mail service is NOT day to day for us. Some will call the internet service, what the city is providing, as “free”. Well that is not true either. The site rent went up in price, so we are paying for the service. A service that doesn’t really work, so very much is blocked and it is sooooo slow.

On a happier note we have been blessed with all the storms passing us by once again. Although it is feeling rather soggy around here, we won't complain. Rain when we are in Hutch is what seems to be the norm for us. hehe Don’t worry, we will be leaving next month, then it will dry out. LOL The farmers will be happy about that come harvest time. :)

Little by little I am trying to stock up on some things that we can only get in MN. The freezer is filled to it’s max already. What we buy now we eat within the week. It works if I remember to plan accordingly. hehe Did you know that skin on wieners and summer sausage is not found in the grocery stores in the south? Imagine being able to grill all winter long and never having a hot dog?  We were sure happy to have a Cashwise hot dog when we got back to Hutch. Although the Ambasador hot dogs that my brother had for us were really great too. I never knew they were skin on/natural casings. 

Since the weather has been so wet and gloomy I’ve been doing some more reorganizing and cleaning. Now if I could only find some of the things in storage that I would like here. Mark did find some of my coffee cups and put in hooks to hang them. I need to have some of “my” things around me to make it feel more like home. Guess you could say I am a material girl. LOL

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