Friday, July 28, 2017

Finally a nice day......

Hot and humid weather along with storms or rain is the norm for a MN summer. The last two days have been beautiful. Low humidity and 80º, (still too warm for me) with little wind. Today we only had one thing, later in the day, to do. So we went for a nice long ride on our motorcycles.

It had been so long since I got to ride that it took me a bit to get "with one' with my bike. But after a few rounds about town, thanks to my hubby, I was ready to roar.

The fields are all green and lush from the warm weather. The only wildlife I saw was one huge hawk, one pheasant and two dogs playing tag along side a corn field. There were some cows that looked like they would make some mighty fine eats down the road. I do love my steak. hehehe  Oh back to the ride..... There was so little wind that the big semi's didn't put my bike and I into orbit today. Being that my Helix is quite a bit lighter than most bikes, a gust of wind from a big passing truck, puts me a bit off my game. It's not fun trying to stay in a straight line on your side of the road while being pushed by the truck typhoon.

Mark rides the lead since I have no idea where the roads lead. And I'm happy to say that he has not taken advantage of that and left me alone to find my way back home. I do carry my cell phone along in case of emergencies, but if you don't know where the heck you are how are you going to tell someone else?? It's not like the black and white cow hasn't moved, or the the green tractor isn't done in the field or big red truck is still picking up mail at the silver mailbox.

We went through a few towns I had never heard of and seeing how small they were I'm surprised there were people there. We did stop in Stewart, a town that I have heard of, at Cactus Jacks for a burger and a tall glass of water. The waitress was very nice and the burgers were great. It wasn't like in the movies either. Like when you walk into someplace where no one knows you, carrying helmets and riding jackets and everyone stares. No bar fights or bottles smashing on your head either. Just a really nice place to have a burger and a beer.

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