Wednesday, July 26, 2017

What is full time RVing.

As many of you know we started this blog as a log of what we did to get started on living in our RV full time and where we have been and what we have been doing. The blog is something that we look back on as a reference and as a reflection of our memories. Not everything we have done is done or has been done by anyone else. This is just what we have done and are doing. This blog is also a way for family and friends to keep up with us.

A lot of work was involved to get to this point and beyond. Work that we wanted to do so we could travel. Travel that we could not have done if we had to pay rent or make a house payment too. There have been struggles and great achievements along the way. All have been worth our time and effort. We have enjoyed our travels and time together.  If anything we have logged here is of benefit to anyone else that is a plus as well. 

There are several blogs that I read about full time RVing. They are full of helpful information and enjoyment and trials.  And then there are a couple places that I found on Facebook called Full time RVing. Some of the people on the FB ones really don’t know what full time rving means. So let me clarify…… Full time Rving is when you live in your RV full time and you travel and NOT sit stationary in one spot.  Staying in one spot day in and day out for years is called living in your trailer, period. Staying at a spot for a few days, weeks or months and going back to your apartment or house, is called camping. Quite a difference.

Full time RVing is work, not all fun and games. But like anything else you do it’s what you make of it as well. We have a goal to see as much of what we want to see for as long as God allows us. Some full timers that we have met have been doing this for over ten years and are in their 80’s. They have no regrets about their decision and still enjoy what they doing. Grant you, this lifestyle is not for everyone. And there are still some aspects of it that I am struggling with. But for the most part it has been a worthwhile decision. 

So what is your fancy? Full time RV, RV trailer living in a park, or camping? It’s up to you. And whatever you do, enjoy, life is too short not do just that. God bless.

Always an adventure.

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