Saturday, June 24, 2017

Little by little

Mark informed me that I don’t say much about what I have been doing. But to me what I do is so mundane. But he reassured me that what I do is very important too. So let me start, but first, get a cup of coffee, you may need the caffein. hehe

My tasks have mainly been financial for the first week or so. Trying to tie up ends for when we leave in the fall. Insurance payments, doctors appointments, PO Box and the like. All that is about tied up or at least it will be in a couple more weeks. Lola needs to get in for her yearly shots and one more insurance thing to take care of, then we are good to go.

It was quite an undertaking for us to find my craft supplies. But Mark knows how much I enjoy my card making and such.  Digging through the mountain of jammed packed totes in storage was no easy task. But we managed to find all but one tote. The items in that one are easily and cheaply replaced. Then I had the fun of reorganizing all the cupboards to fit my craft supplies and still keep the things that were in those cupboards. I love to organize so to me this was not work, but something I enjoy doing. 

All this meant that I had to go through the bedroom closet and cupboards in there too. Why not make it a Bigger project.  We had quite a bit of clothing that we never wore and some we had outgrown. Not something we are very proud of, I might add. So out the door went the unused clothes. Now there was more room which will make it easier to find the clothing that we do wear. Not much need for heavy winter clothing either so out that went, with the exception of a couple of sweatshirts for the unpredictable Northern weather in September before we start heading south again. While digging in the storage unit I found our bedspread. Oh how happy I was to see that. Our bed now looks so nice and it makes the bedroom look cleaner and more cozy.  It's amazing what a simple blanket can do to a room.

Happily I found the purple quilt I made too. That will be used as a bedspread on occasion as well as something warm for the cooler Yuma winter nights. Yes Yuma, Arizona can get quite chilly in the evening. Not the below zero nights like in MN but temps of 40’s are not totally uncommon. This we learned last year quite quickly. hehe

The Yuma dirt followed us to MN so that meant that I had cupboards that needed to be washed out as I organized them. See, the things I do are pretty mundane. But hey, I like this kind of thing. Call me weird, but all this makes life living in small quarters a lot easier. You really do have to be very organized and a place for everything  and everything in its place. Which brings me to my next task of removing all the ugly, outdated, wallpaper border that has been on the walls for 15 years! Yikes. This may take me a year to get completed. I’ve gotten just three small sections off and cleaned. No new border will be going back on unless I can’t get the old stuff off well.

Little by little we are making our home feel more like our home. We love our RV and what living this way has brought to our life and marriage. It’s not a life for everyone, it’s not all fun and games, it takes a lot of work, patience and above all, Gods grace.

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