Sunday, June 4, 2017

May 30th water dillema solved

We had our almost full Black and Gray holding tanks sucked out by a honey wagon today. All went well. Then we ran out of water in the fresh water tank. Not a good thing to happen when the nearest water supply is miles away.

Now according to Legend that tank holds 60 gal so how do you get 60 gal. of water out to the middle of the country. No well, lakes all over, but Cindy does not want that water in the fresh tank for obvious reasons.
So we do what good all good dry campers would do and drive about 50 miles to get a Godfathers Pizza!
Why not, it can't hurt and we both LOVE GF PIZZA. 

As expected the Pizza was great even though finding parking for the Dully was at a premium as in every state. But on the drive into town I noticed a Menards Truck in a stall in one of the the repair shops we drove by so mentioned to my lovely bride there had to be a Menards in town somewhere.
What is so great about a Menards Store you might ask. Ever since I started building things I have been going to Menards be it 50 miles away or just a few blocks. The reason is they always have a solution to your issue. Now it may not always be the solution you are looking for BUT they always have a solution.

So we looked at Solutions from $12 on up to $200 but then walking down a cleaning Isle my Bride said how about this and pointed to a 32 gal. garbage can "with cover" for only $9.97....... Wooooooooow, This is in the price range we were looking for. The GC holds enough that making two trips to her brothers hydrant 3 miles away will work, and all we need is a pump to move the water out of the GC to the Fresh water Tank.

We then move over to the fountain supply side of the store and yep found a pump that would work great for our needs as well.

Moral of this story is: If you are not sure how to solve a problem you may need to go get a Pizza to give you a new perspective on what you're doing. And there is no better pizza than a Godfathers Pizza. 


  1. We absolutely love godfathers pizza! It was a sad day when the one in Hutch left. ;(

    1. Hopefully we will find another GF pizza in our travels. The only good pizza.
