Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Full Circle.

Late Monday afternoon we were back in Hutchinson where we were before we headed south for the winter. What a great time we had before we got here. And now we have many things to get done, finalize and visiting to do before we head south once again for the winter.

Tuesday we started, or I should say, I started with the  mundane job of doing laundry. You see, we seemed to have had some stow away wood ticks from Underwood that had to be washed down the drain. Yuck, I hate creepy crawly things. Mark took care of all the license tabs that needed to be renewed while I did the laundry. Since we are not in Minnesota when they are or will be due, we needed to take care of that before we forgot. Then it was time to hit Cashwise and Walmart for supplies. The best part of the day for me was when we surprised my dear friend Dawn at her place of employment. She didn't know we were in town already. Watching the smile on her face and her jaw drop was second to the big hug I received from her.  Mark surprised one of his best friends, Ken, at work as well. And had a great time seeing Ken.

We excitedly  stopped at Ken's to get Marks motorcycle on the road. Wow more great hugs. Guess it pays to leave and come back. hehe Sadly the battery was shot so no motorcycle ride last night. But we stayed and visited with Ken and his wife Julie over a couple beers. So good to see them again. So even though the motorcycle didn't start, the night ended on a positive note anyway.

Before we knew it it was 9:30 pm and we were shot from all the days activities. Today is looking to be another full day. We have plans on picking up my motorcycles today and sorting through some things in the storage unit. Time to clear out some of the stuff in there and wave bye bye. Although that job will take more than one day. hehehe

The time we have here will be very busy but not so busy that we can't spend time with our friends and our son Lincoln, Maria, and grandson Patrick.  We are really looking forward to seeing everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Mia was gone yesterday and it was just too hot imo so we stayed in
