Saturday, June 24, 2017

Project after project

OH dear, I’m behind in my entries again. It’s been really busy around here the last few weeks. And it’s not looking like it’s going to slow down any time soon. So I’ll just have to start making time for other things that are more fun.

The first project that Mark had to tackle was to replace our water pump in the RV. It is well known that plumbing is NOT in Marks top 10 of things he enjoys doing. It’s not even on the list. But he can do it, just not without grumbling or something pushing his buttons. As with any plumbing project there is always something that really does more than push his buttons and this time was no exception. In spite of the little issue, and the very small working space, the pump got put in and runs well. It’s amazing how quiet a new, not worn out, pump can be.

Lets see, what was Marks next project. Oh yes, it was his favorite, spending time with Harlan and the gang. Mark really missed his morning, lunch and afternoon visits with Harlan, Kevin, and Duane. And he is trying his best to make up for lost time. hehe Kevin made a comment or two about how quiet it had been all winter. But I would lay money down that it’s not quiet there anymore. ;)

We always make time for each other to be together and share in the daily chores. Whether it’s shopping, laundry,doing the dishes or eating out. It’s not always work around here.

Oh yes, where was I….. on to project number two and three….. Project two was to put  a new antenna on the roof. What was thought to be a not so bad project turned into an almost major undertaking. The previous owners must have had issues and did a butcher job of repairing or sealing around the antenna. Mark had to remove inches thick of caulking around the whole area, which in turn tore some of the roof. So now that area of the roof needed to be repaired before the antenna could be mounted. RV shops are not common around Hutch, but thankfully there is one place in town, B  & B sports. And they had the supplies that we needed to fix the roof and finish the antenna installation.  As has been our luck when in Hutch, the weather turns to rain. So the antenna project had to be halted for a day or two. So that sent us to tackle project number 3.

Project number three was to get rid of the dinette booths. They were, outdated, dirty, and very uncomfortable. The only thing the booths were used for was hiding junk we didn’t know what to do with and didn’t use. So they are of no loss to us.
After many LONG screws were removed we hauled the ugly mess outside. Imagine that, no rain when we work on the inside of the RV. So the mess laid outside until we cleaned up the dirt and grime from under the booths. After hauling the mess to the dump, we headed to storage and picked up three of our dinning room chairs.  I could not believe that there was still no rain to ruin the chairs. But we made it back to the RV dry and happy. The new dinning area looks so nice and makes the room look homier and cleaner. Little cosmetic changes that cost little to nothing are making our home feel more like our home. 

The next morning Mark went back to work on finishing the work on mounting the antenna. And of course it rained.  Something from the previous day of working on it was not done correctly so Mark had to start all over. The rain was off and on the whole time he was on the roof. Sounds more like a plumbing job with all the water that was involved. But alas he got the job finished without melting or any rain puddles in the RV. The new antenna works great here in town and should be put to good use in other places as well. 

As far am I’m concerned Mark can do anything he puts his mind to. That makes us both very lucky, especially living the life we have chosen. It is, indeed, always an adventure.

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