Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Lights lights lights

So yesterday besides taking some time out to talk smart with a few of the neighbors I installed a new front door light. This one puts out 400 lumen vs the 180 lumen I had converted the original light to. It also is a dual mode light in that it can be switched on and used as a standard front light. Or by switching it on-off-on it turns into a motions sensing security light. As with every project there was a few wrinkles but all in all the conversion went well. 

OK so here is what happens to a stick of 3/4 inch pvc and an extra outside solar security light some clamps and some velcro.
We have a table top grill, and often times at least lately, it is dark by the time we are ready to eat. So my Bride creates a fabulous meal on the grill while I hold a flashlight so she can see what she is doing.
Problem solved. (at least my end of it) I created this solar powered grill light with motion sensing auto turn on so now as she approaches the grill, with the yummys. the light comes on and will stay on for as long as she is standing by it. Also u do not need to plug it in nor do you need to replace the batteries as it is solar powered.
Both the solar panel and light are also adjustable. Always an Adventure. Mark

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